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Mission Statement:

K21 Health Foundation exists for the benefit of Kosciusko County residents to ensure health care services are provided, and to advance prevention and healthy living.

This will be accomplished by identifying health needs in our community, and maintaining an endowment so funding is provided through investments and grants, for those needs.

Priorities for Funding Consideration:

1. Supporting non-profit organizations that provide direct health services to people in need.

2. Funding efforts that advance prevention and minimize the need for health services.

3. Investing in the development and implementation of solutions that work toward healthy lifestyles and decisions.

4. Participating in consistent assessment and evaluation of existing health needs in our community.

Apply for a Grant

K21 Health Foundation is a private foundation that focuses on improving health and wellness for the residents of Kosciusko County. The original assets of the foundation came from the non-profit hospital established in 1967, and the sale of this hospital did not end the intent of the original donors. We’re continually working toward improved wellness in our community.

We are excited about the clear and critical role K21 Health Foundation plays in our community’s future!

990 PF Tax Returns are available upon request

K21 Annual Reports:

2024 Annual Report