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Agaitas Continues to Grow with Golf Camps

Winona Lake, Ind. – Almost 10 years ago an organization was created by Ryan Burgher called Agaitas.  The organization was originally intended to reach families who could not afford summer camps, and he started with his favorite sport, soccer. After a few years of hosting soccer camps, Agaitas began to explode by not only offering a free soccer camp for hundreds of kids at Warsaw Community High School, they started offering basketball camps and baseball camps, all with no cost to the campers.

A couple years ago, Tyson and Luke Baker, inspired by the growth and reach of Agaitas camps, saw an opportunity to start an Agaitas Golf Camp. The Baker’s worked with Burgher and Stonehenge Golf Club and a plan was created. But how do you provide golf equipment for a large number of young golfers? This is where K21 became involved, granting dollars to provide youth golf clubs for the camps. With instruction from the Bakers along with Craig Isabel, PGA golf pro at Stonehenge, this year 60 campers aged kindergarten through 6th grade were able to participate in learning the game of golf.

Rich Haddad, President & CEO of K21, visited the golf camp and was able to see the young campers in action. Click on the video to view the interview with Ryan Burgher, Agaitas Executive Director, and Rich.



K21 Health Foundation focuses on improving health and wellness for the residents of Kosciusko County. The organization seeks to ensure that health care services are provided and to advance prevention and healthy living. K21 accomplishes this by maintaining an endowment, which funds community projects and needs through investments and grants.

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